Stymied by common sense! No Ebay for me today.

Right, so the continuation of the story about the coffee pot is this. I could have sworn I had a small one cup coffee plunger. I know I had one a few years ago. Maybe I took it away with me on tour and it stayed on tour. Anyway, so, thinking that a big coffee plunger wasn’t going to cut the mustard, I had resigned myself to purchasing a new one, thus throwing into doubt our good savings plans. However, when I got into work today, I found an 8 cup plunger in the kitchen. Ever happy to give something a go, I tried the full sized coffee plunger, and you know something? Success. No new plunger required for me. This is perhaps a good thing, given that we had set up this great savings plan and I was about to throw my plan into disarray. $AU15.00, you say. That’s nothing! But, I say, it’s the small stuff that gets to us, not the big stuff. So, I am now a happy camper and I can have my cake and eat it. And not pay $3 for coffee every day when at work. It’s all good. (Look, I know this is small life stuff when there are truly serious problems elsewhere, ok? I’m just saying. Besides, I’m trying NOT to contribute to environmental woes by the purchase of unnecessary stuff. I know there are people on the streets and stuff. I came very close to it myself as a young single mum. I’ve had more than my share of life’s bullshit, ok? So let me have my small moments and I won’t complain too much more about the really irritating things that get on my nerves, like pile driving building works outside my building that are making my desk shake.)

As to my work habits, I am still fighting the enervating but addictive Facebook surfing. Not succeeding very well, but I am forcing myself to do 30 minutes of transcript before I look at Facebook. Sometimes I wish I wasn’t so well connected. That’s connected in the virtual sense, not the real.

So, how have we done on the savings front this week? Great! We’ve maintained a pretty tight savings budget, despite the hugely expensive Apple Care nonsense, and on target to helping me afford to fill a broken tooth. Yep, you guessed it, just when I thought everything was good, along comes a wretched broken tooth to add to our financial woes. Never mind the tooth – can’t feel much pain and I’m keeping it clean. Either the tooth is seriously dead and has been for years or it’s not a big issue (so, if your tooth is a little sensitive on the broken side, that means the root is still alive, yeah?). But, of course, a side trip to the dentist is not really my cup of expensive java. On the plus side, though, it is the only one of my teeth with a whopping great hole in it. I have 2 other small fillings, but, really, my teeth are healthy! Thank goodness for fluoride pills and fluoride in the water.

So, now the pile driving is really annoying and I can’t hear my transcripts. Should I just give up? Soldier on, I think. This will only last another two years….